Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lena Point Trail

The trailhead for this trail was tricky to find.  From Egan Drive, turn left towards the Lena Beach picnic area.  Maybe about a mile down, there is a sign facing the road (not down or up the road) that says "Lena Point Trail".  It's difficult to see ahead of time but you might notice it as you drive by.  If you end up at the turnoff to the radio tower or the NOAA building, both which will be on your right, you went too far.  There's a big empty parking lot used by the government right next to the trailhead. We parked by the trailhead because we weren't sure parking in the lot was allowed. 

The trail is mostly on planks through the woods.  Seems a lot of the trails here in Juneau have planks laid down.  This makes it a bit tricky because it can get slippery.  Or you could fall off it.  There is a slight (~230 ft) elevation gain on the trail, and once up top and out the woods, about a mile out, you get a fantastic view from Lena Point overlooking Lena Cove and the sea.  There's even a bench up there from which to enjoy the view. 

Most people go back the same way they came, but supposedly there's a shorter route back "along an undeveloped route, next to the fence, down to the parking area."  Btw, my husband thinks he saw a bear out near the trailhead.  I saw something too but am not sure what I saw.  It's that time when they all start coming out....

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